2015年11月26日 星期四

9.JK Rowling

JK Rowling
The magic storyteller and her magic life
Today, I want to talk something about writers. When it comes to the most celebrated author in the modern world, I think we will all come up with JK Rowling. Needless to say, JK Rowling is the novelist of the best-selling novel series “Harry Potter.” Believe that most of you have watched the novels or movies. I’ve also read the series when I was a child and became a fan of Harry Potter.
JK Rowling succeeded because of her books. By her publication, Rowling gained a huge amount of property. But before she published the first Harry Potter book, she had lived a very tough life. In the beginning of writing Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone, Rowling’s mother passed away. After that, Rowing encountered a failure of her marriage. She divorced with her husband since she suffered serious domestic abuse from his husband. After the divorce, she brought her little daughter with her and came back to her hometown Edinburgh, Scotland. It was the worst period of her life. She even suffered depression during the time. The inspiration of the character“dementor” actually came from the depressed emotion she experienced.
It’s really a magic story when you look back to the history of JK Rowling. A single mother who was very poor and relied on the benefits from government someday became the richest writer in the world. Rowling said that because of her failure, she could focus on what she really belonged to, thus created the most successful novels.

Rowling’s courage says that if we can conquer the frustration, our life will be so different. But most people failed to cross the gap, only few can succeed, like JK Rowling. So next time when we are dealing with something tough, think about Rowling’s story, then there is nothing to be afraid.

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.

4 則留言:

  1. Like JK Rowling and Harry Potter.

  2. Harry Potter is really inspiring. But JK Rowling's story is more legendary~

  3. Wow, I don't know that she had the tough life like that before.
    I think I know more about her now.

  4. Harry Potter is a very important part of my childhood!!!
